Winter in Wartime

Winter in Wartime


IMDb: 7.0

Actors: Jamie Campbell Bower, Tygo Gernandt, Martijn Lakemeier, Yorick van Wageningen

Duration: 103 min

It is January 1945 in Germany-occupied Netherlands. In a snow-covered eastern Dutch village, young Michiel van Beusekom (Martijn Lakemeier) watches the skies as he sees a British fighter plane crash down in the nearby woods. A German patrolling soldier investigates the crash site, but the British pilot, Jack (Jamie Campbell Bower), has ended up in a tree, injured after parachuting from his plane, and shoots the soldier.The next morning, Michiel and his friend Theo (Jesse van Driel) check out the crash site, where Michiel is fascinated to find a broken watch. However, the site has been closed off by the Germans, and they are discovered by a patrolling group of soldiers. Theo is able to run away but Michiel is apprehended as he tries to escape by bike, and is taken to the town hall which functions as the local Nazi headquarters. There, he is reprimanded by the German commander Auer (Dan van Husen) who tells him that a mayor's son has no business in a restricted area. Michiel's father Johan van Beusekom (Dan van Husen) arrives and has a friendly chat with Auer. They ask Michiel who was with him, but Michiel, refusing to give up his friend, says he was alone. Johan apologizes for his son and they leave.Outside, Johan asks his son not to upset the Germans; Michiel scoffs at his father for being way too friendly with the Germans. While walking home they pass the house of their neighbor Schafter (Ad van Kempen), who is cleaning his house; the windows have been vandalized with the words "NSB" painted in white, indicating that he is a member of the Nationaal-Socialistische Bond, a union known to be collaborating with the Germans. Later, Theo visits and asks if Michiel got into a lot of trouble. Theo shows Michiel a rubber hose which he took from the plane, and makes a funny sound when spun around.That evening, there is a visitor. Michiel's beloved uncle Ben (Yorick van Wageningen) arrives and asks if he can stay at the house and lay down low for a while, as the Germans are actively rounding up men to do forced labor. Michiel offers to share his room with his uncle. He takes Ben's suitcase upstairs, and finds that it contains several items, like a handgun, food coupons and underground publications, that hint at Ben being a part of the Dutch Resistance movement. Ben and Michiel later listen to an illegal radio broadcast which promises that the liberation of the Netherlands is at hand. Later, he hears Ben asking Johan to get him into contact with the local Resistance cell, but Johans refuses; he thinks the war is nearing its end and he doesn't want to upset the current truce between the Dutch villagers and the German soldiers. Ben calls him a coward.The next day, Michiel is visited by Theo's older brother Dirk (Mees Peijnenburg), who is part of the Resistance. Because Michiel did not rat out Theo to the Germans, he has earned Dirk's trust. Dirk tells him that there will be a raid at an ammunition depot that he will participate in; he entrusts a letter to Michiel that he should deliver to Bertus (Tygo Gernandt), the town blacksmith, in case something goes wrong. Michiel relishes the fact that he can play a role in the Resistance. He takes his horse Cesar out for a ride to the IJssel river. On the way over, he notices a group of German soldiers checking out people who used the ferry to cross the river. As soon as the soldiers leave their post for a tea break, the ferryman smuggles a few people over the river in exchange for a bag.Food is scarce so the family eats soup for dinner. Later in the evening, the van Beusekoms are entertaining themselves with music and dancing, until they hear a car stopping out front. They look outside to see a patrol car of Germans next to the house of Michiel's friend Theo. The Germans enter the house and forcefully remove Theo's father, with his wife and Theo loudly protesting. Immediately, Johan steps outside and has a friendly chat with the soldiers, much to Michiel's chagrin. Again, diplomacy smooths things over, and the father is released. When Johan comes back into the house, Michiel again reproaches him for having fun with the Germans where he should stand up to them. Johan informs him that he just heard that there was a raid on the ammunition depot, but the Germans had been tipped off and were waiting. Two Resistance members were killed and Dirk was arrested. Johan asks Michiel if Dirk mentioned anything about this earlier that day, but Michiel denies this. His Uncle Ben also tries to hear him out about his knowledge of the raid, and warns him in no uncertain terms to stay out of any dangerous underground activities against the Germans.As promised, Michiel proceeds by bicycle to Bertus to hand him the letter. While at Bertus' forge, he tries to hand it over, but Bertus points out that Mr Schafter is also in his shop. Michiel asks for an appointment to get a new horseshoe for his horse, but Bertus urges him to come back later that afternoon. As Michiel leaves, he meets his friend Theo, who is being sent off to his grandmother; with Dirk arrested, his mother thinks the situation is getting too dangerous. Theo remarks that Michiel is lucky; his dad being the major means that the Germans will not touch them. Later that afternoon, Michiel returns with his horse, and sees German soldiers standing in front of the forge. Bertus tries to make a run for it, but he is shot and killed. Michiel is shocked to see what his sense for adventure is leading to, and realizes he has just crawled through the eye of the needle.At the stable, Michiel opens the letter. It gives directions to a location in the woods. He goes there by bike and finds that it leads to an old hunter's shelter, where Jack is in hiding with an injured leg from the crash. With the English he has learned at school, Michiel succeeds in informing Jack that Dirk and Bertus are no longer able to help him, so he is there in their place. He gives Jack the old watch; Jack says that it belonged to his co-pilot who didn't jump out before the crash. He needs to cross the IJssel to get to Zwolle. He urges Michiel not to reveal his location to anyone under any circumstance. He also asks for some food.Michiel goes back home to collect some food, where the news of Bertus' death has also reached Johan and Ben. Johan insists that if everyone just cooperates peacefully with the Germans, there will be no more casualties. Ben strongly disagrees, and asks for Resistance names again, but Johan refuses to give them, saying that he will not help him get more people killed. Ben and Michiel again expresses their disdain for Johan's passive attitude, and leave.At night, Ben returns with a can of sardines and hints that he stole it from the Germans. Michiel fears that it may be poisoned, and Ben takes a bite. He starts to choke, but to Michiel's relief, he is just joking. They go to sleep.The next day, Michiel goes to Jack to deliver food, and they smoke cigarettes while playing a game of cards. Jack's leg is getting worse. He says he needs to get to Zwolle because there is a Resistance contact there who can get him back to England. Michiel tells him that they can illegally use the ferry at 3:00 o' clock, when the Germans are drinking tea. Michiel goes to the ferryman and negotiates a passage at 3:00 o' clock later that week in exchange for food. At home, he sees his father accepting a rabbit from Mr Schafter that he got from hunting. In the living room, he learns that his mother Lia (Anneke Blok) has given temporary shelter to a woman and her daughter from the west, who have traveled over to buy food. Going outside to the shed, he sees Mr Schafter talking to Auer, and doing the Hitler salute. Inside the shed, his father asks him to help skin the rabbit. Michiel disapproves of it, since it comes from a collaborator, but his father insists that "meat is meat", and it is better than eating soup every day.Michiel and Ben have been temporarily relocated to the attic right above his old room to provide place for the guests. Michiel notices that there is a crack in the floor that allows him to peep through, and see the pretty girl in his room below. Later that night, he sneaks into the shed and takes the rabbit. The next morning, Michiel brings another bike for Jack to use, but finds that Jack is in severe pain from his infected leg wound. He promises to bring his sister Erica (Melody Klaver), who is a nurse. He goes to the local hospital and brings Erica along, but they bump into Schafter before going to the woods. They claim to be collecting wood before they go to Jack. Erica treats Jack's wound. Jack gives Michiel a small package with the request to have it sent to England, if possible. When they leave, Erica suggests that they should inform their father about this, but Michiel demands that she keep it quiet; he will take care of Jack from here.Back at home, Michiel decides to confide into his uncle, and gives him the package without telling him who it is from. Despite disapproving of the risks Michiel is taking, Ben promises to send it. When Michiel returns to Jack, he finds Erica there already, claiming that she has to keep an eye on Jack, who is getting better. This annoys Michiel, who wants to save Jack himself. He sends her on her way and prepares Jack for their escape to Zwolle. Jack indicates that he really likes Erica. They use the bikes towards the ferry, but suddenly, a search party of German soldiers approaches. They are nearly given away by a guard dog, but Michiel lures it away with the skinned rabbit. They take the bikes into the bush and split up so they can't get caught together. Michiel leaves the woods but doubles back, and sees the Germans impounding a bicycle. He fears that Jack has been caught.At home, he wonders what gave the Germans the idea to search the woods, and suspects that his sister may have let something slip. The phone rings, and Johan learns that a dead German soldier was found in the woods. They are now searching for the perpetrator. Ben asks Michiel if he knows anything about the body, but he doesn't. Ben offers his help, but Michiel says he doesn't need it.The next day, Michiel is happy to find Jack back at the shelter. He had to leave his bike in the woods, but made it back safely. The escape will have to wait until the Germans have cleared the woods. Jack admits that he killed the German in self-defense. Dirk was supposed to get rid of the body, but his arrest prevented him from doing so. On his way home, Michiel rides over a frozen stream, and suddenly breaks through a weak spot. He is saved from drowning by a helpful German soldier, and is reluctantly taken to his mother at the hospital. Erica inquires about Jack, to Michiel's annoyance. Back at home, Michiel prepares to shave himself for the first time. His father gives him a hand and shows how to do it.While fixing his bicycle with uncle Ben, a German patrol van stops by Michiel's house with a warrant for Johan's arrest. They are now making random arrests in retaliation for the dead soldier. Michiel is angry but Johan hugs him, and tells him it will be alright. Ben finds out later that Johan is being held at city hall. Michiel and his mother go to city hall with clothes and food for Johan, but the guard refuses to let them see him. As Lia argues with the guards, Michiel forces his way in, but Commander Auer orders him out the building. At home, Michiel suggests calling in the aid of the Resistance in order to free Johan, but uncle Ben promises to see if he can arrange anything.Michiel goes to the shelter, finding Erica there, being comforted by Jack over her father's arrest. She thinks that they will execute him for the dead soldier. Jack says that he is prepared to turn himself in, but Michiel says that uncle Ben has underground contacts and will take care of it. At home, Ben returns and is happy to report that Johan will be released next morning. He says that the package is on its way to England.When he wakes up the next morning, Michiel hears bells toll, and sees people hurrying towards the church. He dresses up and proceeds downstairs, to find his uncle staring out of the widow full of sorrow, saying that he tried but failed. Michiel races towards the church where Johan and two other 'suspects' will be executed. He arrives, ready to give up Jack, but he is too late: while being restrained by soldiers, Auer gives the order to the firing squad, and the three men are shot.Michiel is devastated, and blames his uncle for Johan's death. During the funeral for the three men, he rejects any further approaches from Ben. When they return home, they see people fleeing their house, which has been ransacked for food. Erica again wants to ask Ben for help with moving Jack, but Michiel refuses; he will do it himself tomorrow. He visits Jack, but lies to him by saying that his father was released, and is doing well. He has brought his horse and a carriage, and they drive towards the ferry with Jack in the carriage. Erica watches from a distance. However, while on the road, one of the wheels breaks off. A group of German soldiers offers to put it back on; Michiel is understandably nervous, but has no choice to accept their help. But then Mr Schafter drives by, and is asked by the Germans to assist. Knowing that Schafter may identify Jack as a non-local, they try to avoid speaking to him. With the carriage repaired, they proceed, but they notice Schafter having a talk with the Germans as they leave.They arrive at the ferry and Michiel gives the ferryman a bag of food. The man wants to embark, but Jack doesn't trust the situation. At gunpoint, Jack forces him to wait, and after a while, several German soldiers come out of hiding on the other side of the river, and open fire. Michiel and Jack get back on the horse and carriage and flee the scene, and it doesn't take long before they are pursued by German troops on motorcycles. They flee into the woods, and in an attempt to shake them off, Jack and Michiel both mount the horse and disconnect the carriage. It runs against a tree and blocks the road for the Germans. However, as the horse gallops on with its two riders, it has to jump over a tree trunk, and breaks a leg. Michiel asks for Jack's gun in order to put the horse out of its misery, but cannot get himself to do it. Jack does it for him instead, and tells him not to be too hard on himself. In tears, Michiel admits that his father was executed by the Germans, but he doesn't blame Jack for it.They proceed back to the shelter, but find that the Germans have already discovered it. With no other options, Michiel takes Jack home. As they pass behind the house under the cover of night, they suddenly notice a young girl making a snowman in the garden next door. She and her mother are being sheltered by Schafter, who was only pretending to be a Nazi collaborator. As Schafter removes the snowman, he exchanges looks with Michiel and Jack, and there is finally some mutual understanding. Michiel puts Jack in the shed and tells him not to make any sound. He goes inside and tells uncle Ben about Jack. Ben is surprised and asks what the plan is to get Jack to Zwolle. Michiel says that he doesn't know, as there are no more Resistance members left. Amazed at how much Michiel has done on his own, Ben tells him that he has no idea what he has gotten himself into. He tells Michiel to stay out, and promises to handle the situation. He goes over to the shed and has a smoke with Jack.The next morning, Michiel goes to the shed to check on Jack, but he is not there. He looks for him inside the house and finds him in Erica's room, as the two have sex. Afterwards, Jack wants to say goodbye to Michiel. He is wearing one of Johan's suits; Ben has provided fake papers, and will accompany him and Erica to the IJssel bridge, where Jack will cross the German checkpoint by posing as Erica's patient who accompanies him to the hospital in Zwolle. Jack thanks Michiel, but the boy, annoyed about being sidelined, sends him away. Jack gives him a small gift before he leaves, and as Ben gets ready to go with Jack and Erica, he tells Michiel that Dirk should never have involved the boy in such dangerous activities.Michiel opens up the package: it is the deck of cards that he and Jack used to play with in the shelter. He then suddenly remembers that he never actually mentioned Dirk to Ben. He goes upstairs and checks Ben's suitcase. Underneath all the Resistance stuff is a double layer, which contains German journals and documents. More importantly, the package that was supposedly sent to England is still there. Suddenly, Michiel realizes that all the secret information he discussed at home with Dirk, Ben and Erica has invariably found its way to the Germans, and Ben was always in the house, listening in at every instance. Ben must have also been spying on him regularly through the crack in the attic. Uncle Ben has been a German spy all along.Michiel races to the bridge, and catches up with Ben, Jack and Erica before they cross. He grabs Jack's gun and explains what he learned while holding Ben at gunpoint. Ben tries to grab his own gun but Jack punches him to the ground. They tie him to a tree, and Jack starts to make an arduous climb below the bridge, while Erica crosses over it to the other shore and waits for him there. Michiel stays to keep an eye on uncle Ben, and watches Jack's progress. As Ben asks for and gets a cigarette, he indicates that he is a Nazi supporter because he thinks that the advancing Russian troops are a bigger threat than the Germans, and they will need the Nazis to keep the Soviets out. Michiel sees Jack being unable to hold on to the bottom of the bridge, and falling into the river. Ben wants to make a deal: if Michiel frees him, he will leave Jack alone. Michiel doesn't believe him, reminding him of the many people he betrayed: Dirk, Bertus, and Johan. Ben then tells Michiel that he had actually succeeded in freeing Johan; however, the Germans had offered to execute another innocent victim in his place, something which Johan refused. Michiel is shocked to hear that his father was actually much braver than he thought. Michiel is distracted when he sees how Jack has been able to swim to the other shore, and gets picked up to safety by Erica.However, as Michiel turns around, he finds that his uncle has cut through his binds and escaped. He chases him towards the bridge guards, and holds Ben at gunpoint before he can warn them. Ben tries to get on Michiel's conscience, telling him that he is family and has always kept Michiel out of danger, so he should return the favor now. Michiel lowers the gun, and Ben turns around, seeing a German patrol group. He walks towards them, but doesn't get far: Michiel raises his gun again, and shoots him in the back.It is May the 5th, 1945, and the entire country has been liberated from the Germans by the Allied forces. People are partying in the streets, and Erica receives a letter (presumably from Jack), but Michiel sits in his father's study, unable to enjoy the victory after having experienced the cost of war. he sees Dirk outside, happy and free again. His mother urges him to go outside, where he finds his friend Theo. Theo hands him the rubber tube that they played with before. Michiel is initially hesitant to twirl it around, but does so finally, and finally, it puts a smile on his face.

Genre: Action   Drama   History   War


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