Mao's Last Dancer

Mao's Last Dancer


IMDb: 7.3

Actors: Bruce Greenwood, Amanda Schull, Kyle MacLachlan, Joan Chen

Duration: 117 min

In this fact-based story, Li Cunxin arrives at the airport in Houston, Texas in 1981. There to meet him are Ben, who is in charge of the ballet company he will be joining for several months, and several others. As Li is driven through the beautiful city with its large skyscrapers, he is amazed.Li must visit the Chinese consulate, where he is told that he is seeing only the best of the United States, that he must remain loyal to China, and that Americans are not to be trusted.In flashbacks, Li is shown as a child in Shandong province going to school in 1972. At school, the students are informed that people from the government are there to select the best students. Exactly what that means is not clear, but none of these students qualify. The teacher tells the man in charge about Li. Li's family is happy to hear that he has been selected. They refer to him as "sixth son". At a later time, the family is proud of what "sixth son" has accomplished.The movie goes back and forth from 1981 to Li's childhood. Young Li is a ballet student studying under Teacher Chan, who is kind. Li in 1981 learns about a different kind of dancing. He also learns that Americans can criticize their government and dislike their leader.Young Li cries while in bed, and someone hears him and warns all the boys in the dormitory that crying means weakness and it he hears any more, all of them will be punished. The boys know it is Li and befriend him, trying to make him happy. Young Li not only learns ballet, but he learns what the government wants him to know. Mao's face is everywhere and complete loyalty to the government is expected. Furthermore, the Chinese standard of living is the highest in the world because the Chinese system is the best, and capitalist and imperialist countries are terrible places.At one point, Li's story moves forward in time several years. His class is joined one day by a group of girls, and there is one girl he likes. However, he is being taught by strict Teacher Gao and told he is not good enough. When he questions the teacher, he is told he must work harder and prove he has what it takes. Which Li does.Adult Li learns about life in the United States, which is nothing like he was told. Eventually, he goes in a room to practice and Liz is already there. She is quite pretty and tells Li she is not good enough because she broke her ankle but she is working hard to join the company. Li and Liz eventually fall for each other and go on dates.Young Li is given the chance to perform with the group for Madame Mao, who is pleased. Mao himself has died but this is never mentioned in the movie and his photo remains everywhere. At first, the group's performance does not do enough to celebrate the government, but eventually changes are made. Teacher Chan is not happy, because he thinks ballet should be done a certain way. But Teacher Gao and others overrule him, with Teacher Gao saying Chinese ballet should be specifically Chinese, and eventually Teacher Chan is taken away in a van. When he suspected he would be rejected, Chan gave Li a videotape of Baryshnikov. The students watch it and are inspired.Ben and several others visit the group of dancers in China. Eventually, the decision is made to send one dancer to the United States for several months. Some believe the dancer selected should be someone who can deliver the message of Mao to the world. Teacher Gao believes Li would be the best candidate, even though he would not be the best at delivering the message. At the very least the person sent would have to be someone who would not be influenced by the Americans.Back in 1981, the man playing Don Quixote is hurt. Li is believed to be good enough to replace him, but it will be quite a challenge because Vice President and Barbara Bush will be there. The performance must be perfect. Liz is watching on TV. The ballet is preceded by the opera "Die Fledermaus", but the movie audience does not hear much and sees very little of the opera. Li hesitates as he appears for the first time on stage with Mary, and the movie audience sees a series of scenes form his previous life, but everyone is relieved when he gets over his nervousness. Liz looks distressed as she sees Mary and Li dancing together.Li's performance is a hit and everyone wants to know more about him. He claims allegiance to China, but the Chinese officials are concerned he is being influenced too much and want him to go home.Li wants to stay but he hasn't stated a desire to defect. He loves his family too much and wants to ability to go back and visit them. Nevertheless, he likes the freedom he has in the United States. Attorney Charles Foster works to make sure Li has the chance to stay, but one option to consider is marrying Liz. Li does love Liz so it wouldn't be a sham marriage. And one night when he doesn't hear from Li, Ben discovers to his dismay that Li and Liz have gotten married.When they go to the consulate, Li is asked if he is loyal to the Chinese government. Li admits the truth is is taken prisoner, and the others who came with him are ordered to leave. Charles and others make sure Li's situation is publicized and it becomes a big story. Eventually, the Chinese government give Li what he wants and tell him he can never go back to China.Li's family learns the truth and are criticized for bringing him up the wrong way, to which Li's mother responds she had nothing to do with it since Li was taken away from her at a young age. Li has a nightmare that his family is taken and killed.Liz wants to dance and this will require moving. Eventually, when she gets a chance to do so, she is no longer interested in continuing the marriage. Li eventually ends up with Mary.Years later, Li is performing at the Kennedy Center. There is a delay as special guests are to arrive. It is Li's parents from China. They come up on stage at the end and the reunion is very emotional.And years after that, Li visits his former home in China.

Genre: Action   Biography   Drama   Music   Romance


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